Harriet Tubman Democratic High School
New York State Accredited High School

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Sample Activities 2010-2011
Culinary Arts, Office Assistant
Fall Semester
*Anti-protest rally in NYC to support Muslim-American’s in building a prayer center near the twin towers (student trip)
*Diana Morales-Manley photography exhibit at The Furnace (First Friday) and the Honest Weight Food Co-op
*HTDHS Battery Recycling Project (on-going)
*Local art exhibit, photo journalist Connie Frisbee Houde
*One Nation Protest: Washington DC rally for social change – anti-racism, workers rights, etc (student trip)
*North Lake Hike: ten miles, mountain
North Lake Mountain Hike
*Collin Coon drama project: Rocky Horror Picture Show shadow cast

*Jasmine Saunders art exhibit at Honest Weight Food Co-op, also assisted coordination of the show
*Collin Coon Times Union interviewed: concerning Rocky Horror
*National Spirit Day: the school wore purple and posted a photo in support of honoring, “the teenagers who had taken their own lives in recent weeks. But just as importantly, it’s also a way to show the hundreds of thousands of LGBT youth who face the same pressures and bullying, that there is a vast community of people who support them.”
*Piano “De-construction”
*Family Fall Festival (fundraiser for community service trip)
*“Oye Loco”: Latino heritage stage production at the Palace Theater
*“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”: professional performance at Capital Repertory Theater
*Brooklyn Free School / The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Manhattan / Central Park
*“A Christmas Carol”: professional performance at Capital Repertory Theater
National Spirit Day

Spring Semester
*Spirit Week
*Intersession Special Activities: Research Strategies, Oil Painting, Intro to Java Programming, Yoga, Drama, Yearbook Design, Survival, Psychic Development, Indian Food Cooking, Cult Films
*Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (Mass MoCA)
Sample Activities 2009-2010
Ecology and Conservation, Child Care, Art, Planned Parenthood
Fall Semester
*Yes! Magazine cover photo and internal photos by Diana Morales-Manley
*Thatcher State Park Hike
*Alexandria Speller selected for NYCR (New York Capital Region) GLSEN Jump Start Chapter: leadership team member
*“Teacher Man”: live performance, a Frank McCourt tribute at SUNY Albany
*Cold Spring: mountain hike with Brooklyn Free School
*Ally Week: school participation and presentation by Alexandria (GLSEN)
*Diana Morales-Manley chosen as a board member of The Women’s Building
*Haunted House (fundraiser for community service trip)
*Rainbow Camp: winter camp out at Rainbow Camp
*Anti-Protest at Albany High School in support of their performance of Laramie Project
*Holiday Pie (fundraiser for community service trip)
*Marriage Equality Rights Protest at the Capital building
*Longview Sudbury School: educational community-building trip
*Fudge Sale (fundraiser for community service trip)

“It’s a Start” drama, student written and producedSpring Semester
*Spirit Week
*Winter Survival Camping Trip
*Democratic Education Symposium at Brooklyn Free School
*Bowling for Beds: Collin Coon won prize for most money raised by a youth
*Save NYS Parks (Thatcher) Rally and Protest
*Winter Survival Camping Trip
*Romeo & Juliet: Professional production at NYSTI
*Diana Morales-Manley photography exhibit at Java Jazz in Delmar
*Manhattan Free School: educational community-building visit to our school
*YMCA Camp Segowea: volunteer work projects
*Alexandria Speller: CDGLCC discussion panel participant for Pride Week
*Alexandria Speller: GLSEN and ACLU press conference and lobbying concerning “Dignity for All Students” legislation
*Alexandria Speller “It’s a Start” completion of student novel

“It’s a Start” drama, student written and produced*“It’s a Start” adaptation of novel into a play: student public production
*Cape Cod Community Service Trip:
-Volunteered at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
-Sandwich Glass Museum
-Scargo Tower
-Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
-Cape Cod Canal
-Pilgrim Monument
-John F Kennedy Hyannis Museum
Sample Activities 2008-2009
Fall Semester
*Cold Springs Hike with Brooklyn Free School
*Liberty Ridge Farm
*Union College Nott Memorial: sound installation
*Adventure Trip: camp out
*Dance Party (fundraiser for educational trip)
Student Organized Animal Rights Protest*NADEC Coordination Meeting
*Proctor’s International Films: The Kite (Israel / Lebanon)
*Poetry Open Mic at The Free School
*Mock Election: including student candidates, platforms, debate, and election
*Of Mice and Men: professional production at NYSTI
*Concert (fundraiser for educational trip)
*Proctor’s International Films: Bet Collector (Philippines)
*“Flight” based on the novel by Sherman Alexie at SUNY Albany
*World AIDS Observance activities at the NYS Museum
*NADEC Coordination Meeting @ Longview School

Spring Semester
*Alexandria Speller: selected for special community activism training through GLSEN
*Obama Inauguration: attendance in Washington DC
*Pizza Take-out Night (fundraiser for educational trip)
Pizza Night Fundraiser
*Art exhibits at local galleries in Troy

*Snow Shoeing at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve
*New York State Museum – Breeding Birds Atlas, study with an environmentalist
*Boarded Up: student and staff artwork displayed at GSCA art installation
*Sleep-a-thon (to benefit the homeless): students raised 26% of money raised on site
*NCACS Conference: student and staff attendance
*LA Carlson Pipe Organ Co: building, repairing, and playing pipe organs
*Animal Rights Protest of Barnum & Bailey Circus: student organized and attended with news media interviews
*Pine Bush Reserve: press conference (print media interview and blogs)
*Kid Wind Challenge: first place winners in wind turbine contest
*Alexandria Speller selected for highly competitive Summer Writing Institute at SUNY
*Kristin Diodonet: honorable mention in “High School Art Makes History” Colonie Art League art contest
*Theater All Stars: theater training
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Harriet Tubman Democratic High School is the only democratic educational institution for teens in the Capital District. We offer a supportive and personal learning environment for young adults from diverse backgrounds. Our staff strives to teach young adults how to think for themselves by encouraging critical discussions and respecting student input into their educational process. Our students learn self-motivation and, in the process, discover independence and self-reliance.
HTDHS is a not-for-profit private school. We are committed to maintaining a diverse learning community. Scholarships are available and no one is turned away simply for lack of funds. Please see our Admissions tab for more information.
HTDHS Photos

Institute for Democratic Education in America
RT @jrussellteacher: @edrethink assessment needs to be clear and indiv.: I/they started here. Now I’m/they’re here. #IDEAedchat 2 hours ago
RT @OpenRoadTeens: #ideaedchat Shameless plug: 3 days left in our funding campaign! Gr8ful for ANY support! bit.ly/18a5NJ5 2 hours ago
RT @creativelyindie: Thank you for sharing your questions, answers and, most importantly, passions on ed! #IDEAedchat 2 hours ago
Harriet Tubman Democratic High School