Harriet Tubman Democratic High School
New York State Accredited High School

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Academics & Program
NYS Certified Diplomas
HTDHS students have the opportunity to earn NYS Certified Diplomas. Students may take advantage of our variety of educational opportunities, while fulfilling state requirements. Students must pass RCT or Regents exams in order to qualify, and HTDHS staff assist in preparing students for these exams.
Advisory Group
All students belong to an advisory group, in which a teacher-advisor guides their learning and development. Advisory groups meet each week to reflect on the previous week and plan their week ahead. In addition, advisors offer meetings with individual students throughout the week and are always available for student support.
Orientation Fall 2010

Individualized Learning Plans & Portfolios
With their advisor’s guidance, each student develops their own unique individualized learning plan (ILP) that charts their goals and learning activities. The ILP is updated on a weekly basis and serves as a cover sheet to their portfolio.
Portfolios are developed throughout each student’s tenure at HTDHS. Portfolios represent students’ growth throughout their high school career by showing work at many stages of their development. Examples of portfolio contents include: worksheets, tests, essays, research papers, creative writing, documentation of community service, videography samples, artwork, documentation of internships, documentation on various other activities, and much more.
Narrative Assessment
At the end of each semester a narrative evaluation will be written for each student. All of the elements identified are discussed directly with each student throughout the semester. Each evaluation focuses on both academic and personal growth. Narrative assessments take the place of grades and report cards, and more accurately identify student progress in the school setting.
Internships and Travel
“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.”
-Amelia Earhart
Much real world learning happens outside of the classroom. To this end, HTDHS recognizes the invaluable experience internships provide. Advisors partner with each student to set up an internship according to the students’ interests and needs.

Troy Arts CenterHTDHS takes advantage of the varied resources available in the Capital District by taking field trips to art exhibits, theater performances, historical sites, political activities, outdoor activities, and much more.
As is the same with any passion the students have, the ability to travel and explore the world is right at their finger tips. The only limitations they have are the ones their own imaginations set and their willingness to put the needed effort into obtaining that goal. Fund raising opportunities and ideas are bountiful, so that a student or group of students’ personal finances do not limit them in achieving their dreams.
College Courses and Admissions
HTDHS students have the same opportunity to enroll in higher education institutes if the necessary prerequisites are met. If students independently take college classes while enrolled in HTDHS, we will apply the credits towards their high school graduation requirements.

Science Class Dry Ice Experiment
Advisors will assist students in understanding college requirements and helping navigate the application process. Students who are willing to put in the necessary effort to meet college standards can be confident that he or she will gain acceptance to a institution that is a good match for them.
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Harriet Tubman Democratic High School is the only democratic educational institution for teens in the Capital District. We offer a supportive and personal learning environment for young adults from diverse backgrounds. Our staff strives to teach young adults how to think for themselves by encouraging critical discussions and respecting student input into their educational process. Our students learn self-motivation and, in the process, discover independence and self-reliance.
HTDHS is a not-for-profit private school. We are committed to maintaining a diverse learning community. Scholarships are available and no one is turned away simply for lack of funds. Please see our Admissions tab for more information.
HTDHS Photos

Institute for Democratic Education in America
RT @jrussellteacher: @edrethink assessment needs to be clear and indiv.: I/they started here. Now I’m/they’re here. #IDEAedchat 2 hours ago
RT @OpenRoadTeens: #ideaedchat Shameless plug: 3 days left in our funding campaign! Gr8ful for ANY support! bit.ly/18a5NJ5 2 hours ago
RT @creativelyindie: Thank you for sharing your questions, answers and, most importantly, passions on ed! #IDEAedchat 2 hours ago
Harriet Tubman Democratic High School